In a quest to create a living environment that exudes peace and tranquility that only nature can bring, the biophilic design will become even more popular in the years to come. Devotees of nature, ecology, and sustainability in the design and decoration of interiors and exteriors, buildings, homes, and offices are looking for solutions that will bring us closer to our innate love and need for nature. In collaboration with Sensa magazine, we bring to you a more detailed insight into this major living trend.
Bring nature into our homes
There is growing scientific evidence that supports the fact that distancing ourselves from nature adversely affects our health and well-being. Many experts believe that behind the stress we accumulate lies the lack of adaptation to life in urban areas. That is – the deficit of nature. Natural greenery relieves stress, depression, anger, frustration, improves mood and physical health, concentration, productivity, creativity…

Nature can also help us transform our living space. This is evidenced by biophilia – a term coined by psychologist Erich Fromm and later, in the 1980s, popularized by Edward O. Wilson, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard. Biophilia represents a genuine human need for connectivity and harmony with nature.
Biophilic design is becoming more and more appealing to designers and architects eager to create a space that is custom made for a more human way of living. This type of design and decor includes, among other things, buildings that resemble shells, homes that rotate in daylight, apartments whose balconies resemble small, green jungles, and homes that encourage residents to grow food and even produce themselves foods such as honey. It is obvious that this type of architecture of the future grew out of the roots of our past.

„The biophilic home should, above all, be an oasis and a refuge for the modern person after a busy and stressful day,” defines Nataša Komljenović, an architect and expert in biophilic design from Novi Sad (Serbia), adding that this design is characterized by the urge to reconnect with nature, natural elements and its rhythms.
7 tips on biophilic design
Amanda Sturgeon, the author of the book Creating Biophilic Buildings, brings the principles of biophilic design into our homes.
Windows to the world

The home should bring an abundance of fresh air and daylight through numerous windows, skylights, and doors to connect with the outdoors. Through the open windows, we can also hear sounds from nature – rain, wind, birds singing. It connects us with the seasons and the weather.
Interaction of light and shadows

We are healthier when our biorhythm is in balance and when daylight is available to support it. By watching the shadows around the room we intuitively know what time it is and we instinctively gather in places where there is more sunlight.
Between interior and exterior

In almost every climate, outdoor spaces can be used as a functional study room or living room for at least a few months a year. Spending more time outdoors will make you feel more in tune with nature.
Untouched textures

Too often our living spaces are sterile, with no sign of wilderness. Include as many natural materials as possible in your home, such as wood, stone, wool, bamboo – materials that are not processed. Different textures and patterns will encourage the variety of sensory experiences we usually experience in nature.
All forms of nature
Today, architecture is mostly dominated by straight lines and right angles. Since every home cannot be inspired by forms from nature, we can use many motifs and shapes from nature as decorative details that will make us feel closer to the location or area in which we live, using authentic plants, branches, shells, fountains…
The spirit of the location

Due to the global economy and the availability of diverse materials and products from all around the world, our homes have lost their sense of belonging – they do not reflect our climate and culture. Whether you live near the sea or near the forest, try to understand the character of the location and use it as a décor guide.
Color variations
Nature is not monotonous, it is spacious – from meadows and dense forests to mountain peaks. By mimicking the nature of the home, try to create a variety of micro spaces that will suit a specific purpose or mood. Create a room that is quiet in some corners and “alive” in others by using vibrant and neutral colors for visual partitions. That way you can mimic the experience of being outdoors.
Author: Magda Dežđek/Sensa Magazine
Sensa is a Croatian wellbeing monthly magazine covering topics about personal growth, healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and life/work balance.